Order Information:
Here is where you can find information on payment methods and ways to contact us.
Return Policy:
Our Return Policy guarantees your satisfaction. How to return items is also explained here.
Privacy Policy:
We value your privacy and outline our commitment to preserve it in our Privacy Policy.
Legal Information:
Information on the legal operation of our company may be viewed here.
Warning and Disclaimer of Liability
Golden Cross Ranch, LLC or and any of its members will not assume liability or responsibility to any person or entity in respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the use of the information contained herein or by the use of any of the products manufactured or sold by Golden Cross Ranch, LLC. Products, instruction sheets and content published on this web site contains information, instruction and techniques that may not be suitable for everyone. No warranty is given regarding the suitability of this information, the instructions and techniques, and use of products, to you or other individuals acting under your directions.
Please email any comments or questions to Nancy Golden at
Copyright 2009-2019 Golden Cross Ranch, LLC